Strawberry Plant


The strawberries are pulled from a patch containing the following varieties: Earglow, Heirloom, Flavorfest, Honeye and Jewel.

June Bearers: Planted early spring, produce fruits during the second year of planting. June-bearing strawberries produce a large crop lasting 2-4 weeks, in late spring early summer. Depending upon your location strawberry plants usually begin flowering in Zone 5 areas in early May. Cultivars are rated as early, midseason, or late according to when they bear. Early varieties may be more subject to frost injury because of their bloom time, and the opened blossom is at the stage of fruit development most susceptible to frost injury. Strawberry varieties all ripen about 30 days after bloom. June-bearing strawberries normally produce the largest yield per season, in a short period of time. If you want enough berries for freezing and processing choose June Bearers. 

June-bearing varieties flourish in the spring and produce one crop lasting about 2-4 weeks. They are planted the first year and produce a full crop the second year. If properly cared for, can be productive for 3-7 years. 

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Strawberries need full sun to produce maximum fruit.

  • Space plants 12 to 18 inches apart.

  • Strawberries are self-fertile, but require bees for pollination.

  • Remove some of the runners throughout the season or your strawberry plants will take over your yard.

  • After removing flowers for a few weeks after planting, you can pick fruit later that summer.

  • One June-bearing plant can produce up to 120 new daughter plants in one season. 

Non-GMO (Heirloom) Iroquois Cantaloupe
Gold Raspberry Plant
Red Raspberry Plants
Non-GMO (Heirloom) Green Flesh Honey Dew
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